"I cannot live without books..."
Thomas Edison

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Highs and Lows of Being Mia

The Highs and Lows of Being Mia
By Meg Cabot
4 out of 5

Presents the third and fourth volumes (the Princess in love, and the Princess in waiting) in the Princess Diaries series, in which Mia copes with final exams at school in New York and is introduced to her Genovian subjects.

My Thoughts:
I laughed a lot. I know it's a silly book and kind of pointless, but sometimes I need to read something silly and kind of pointless. Reading is my retreat from my real life and sometimes I just want to be entertained. I read this one while on break from "The Book Thief." This was breaking my #1 rule. The only things I allow myself to read at the same timeas one of my books are the scriptures, church lesson manuals, Preach My Gospel, and the Ensign. But I cheated. I'd had a really, really bad day and "The Book Thief" wasn'te helping. So I took a break and spent some time with Princess Mia. It was great. Just what I needed. She is hilarious. Thanks, Meg Cabot, for writing something so lighthearted and fun!

The Book Thief

The first book I'm going to review for you is "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak. This is the story of Liesel Meminger, a foster child in Nazi Germany. Narrated by Death this book gives a very individual view of life at that time. Very well written and enjoyable, although rather depressing at times. I admit I had to take a break from this one and read something lighter for a bit. Unfortunately, I didn't get to the end. I had to give it back because it had been requested by another patron at the library. I wanted to rate it, but I don't feel like I read enough of it to give an acurate rating.

Let me put it this way, if you're in the mood for a book that makes you think this is an excellant choice. Very well written and thought provoking. I hope you enjoy it!
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